
Over the years I've read a few key works on creative practice, and I'm in a place now where I feel like revisiting these works (and discovering others) will be beneficial. My creative practice feels at a crossroads, where most of my output is live performance in service of the creative aims of others. As a rhythm section player I am more than okay with this, it's a role I love to take on. I think the approach I've developed over the years as a bass player, feeling like a 'piece of the puzzle' and not the centre of attention, has led to my effecting MDing of multiple acts. I am however feeling called to find (as in, within) and release a different creative energy. I am long overdue to explore my own compositional output, but I feel somewhat overwhelmed and lost where to begin. As I always tend to when faced with a problem, I think I'll hit the books. Those which come to mind as valuable in this endeavour include:

26 July 2024